Wednesday 5 August 2009


Chinese character tattoo,乾(dry)
photo by spot, Oxford Rd

Before taking this photo, I asked this young lady for meaning-understood of her acknowledge. The answer that she gave me let me down. This Chinese character is only a sort of shape or a graphic pattern to her. But it is supposed to be important stamp with something meaningful.

Chinese is the most wide-used language in the world. Far from English and other kinds of letters-based language, most of Chinese characters come from figures, graphs. With the development of characters in 5,000 years, the meaning of every single character and word was never changed. But which is tricky that there are more than two meaning of one word. It could be the reason that Chinese is likely the most difficult language to learn. And it is impossible to keep around 50,000 words in your mind.

he meaning of character tattooed on this lady's shoulder is dry. Is it queer to have this Chinese character tattoo with this kind of meaning, isn't it? Well, there is still one rarely seen meaning of this character, sky. And it makes everything go reasonably and acceptably to Chinese-culture-based people.

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